Antartic & Krill
illustration - living world 2021
Antarctica, also known as the Southern Hemisphere, is a territory located at 60° south latitude, and is dedicated exclusively to scientific research. The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and the Madrid Protocol of 1991 specify that no military or natural resource exploitation activities (except for scientific purposes) may be conducted there. Antarctica is known to be the coldest and windiest continent, with a record low of -98°C. Unfortunately, many recent studies have warned of the dangers of climate change on this continent, which is currently experiencing abnormally high temperatures. You will also find another, more humorous illustration of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), the 'little crustaceans' of the South Pole. Krill is very abundant and is one of the main nutritional resources of animals living in southern waters (whales, seals, penguins, etc.). Rich in omega 3, among other things, krill is now becoming a potential food resource for humans. Although krill requires complex fishing techniques, we hope that it will not fall victim to its success.

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Notre équipe est composée d'une directrice artistique et d'une directrice scientifique (Ph.D.) qui allient leur créativité, leur rigueur, leur curiosité et leur côté pop au service de la vulgarisation scientifique & du design. Grâce à nos différents partenaires, nous avons la capacité de vous offrir des services variés et complémentaires.

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