Cycas revoluta
illustration - living world 2021
We are launching our series of illustrations related to life, nature and sciences in general. Here you can see a specimen of Cycas Revoluta. Cycas Revoluta is a pan-chronic species belonging to an order of gymnosperms (Cycadales). They are neither palms nor ferns but rather an intermediate between the two. Once very diverse, they are the ancestors of seed plants and appeared in the Carboniferous period with the ferns. They appeared long before the dinosaurs and are still alive, and are roughly described as living fossils.

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Our team is composed of a scientific director (Ph.D.) and an artistic director who combine their creativity, their rigor, their curiosity and their pop side in the service of science outreach & design. Thanks to our different partners, we are able to offer you various and complementary services.

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Notre équipe est composée d'une directrice artistique et d'une directrice scientifique (Ph.D.) qui allient leur créativité, leur rigueur, leur curiosité et leur côté pop au service de la vulgarisation scientifique & du design. Grâce à nos différents partenaires, nous avons la capacité de vous offrir des services variés et complémentaires.

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