Projet 444 - Immunologie - educational posters
depuis 2020
Project 444 est une série de courts métrages éducatifs, d’affiches, d’articles et d’illustrations consacrés à la diffusion des connaissances et avancées scientifiques à destination d’un large public : experts ou non-experts.


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Immunoglobulins are proteins able to recognise antigens from pathogens and their toxic products. They either form B cell receptors or are secreted (antibodies) by differentiated B cells (plasmocytes). The main roles of antibodies are (i) recognise and neutralise pathogens (ii) activate other immune cells. 

Immunoglobulins are proteins able to recognise antigens from pathogens and their toxic products. They either form B cell receptors or are secreted (antibodies) by differentiated B cells (plasmocytes). The main roles of antibodies are (i) recognise and neutralise pathogens (ii) activate other immune cells

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For this, they must first recognize the pathogen through receptors [ PRRs: Pattern Recognition Receptors] (in the shape of a mouth on the gif). These receptors recognize molecular patterns of pathogens [PAMPs: Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns]. Once the foreign body is recognized, the phagocytic cells must adhere to the pathogens and enclose it in order to ingest it. e dangers, at least most of the time.

The pathogen is then trapped in an intracellular vacuole (phagosome). Inside, these cells have lysosomes (small blue spheres on the gif) which are cell organelles containing digestive enzymes. When these lysosomes fuse with the vacuole containing the ingested pathogen (phagolysosome), the enzymes digest the pathogen.

Subsequently, the phagocytic cell will present on its surface a small piece (antigen) of the pathogen. They therefore become antigen presenting cells. This will, if necessary, activate other immune cells to strengthen our defences. Finally, they eliminate what cannot be digested. This is how these innate immune cells manage to rid us of the time.

Who are we?

Our team is composed of a scientific director (Ph.D.) and an artistic director who combine their creativity, their rigor, their curiosity and their pop side in the service of science outreach & design. Thanks to our different partners, we are able to offer you various and complementary services.

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Qui sommes-nous ?

Notre équipe est composée d'une directrice artistique et d'une directrice scientifique (Ph.D.) qui allient leur créativité, leur rigueur, leur curiosité et leur côté pop au service de la vulgarisation scientifique & du design. Grâce à nos différents partenaires, nous avons la capacité de vous offrir des services variés et complémentaires.

© scisters.editons 2024 -  Mentions légales

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