A little anecdote: if we put the DNA of all the humans on our planet end to end, we could make several round trips to the galaxy closest to ours.
A human has about 30,000 billion cells in his body.
<> 2 meters of DNA x 30.10^12 cells = 60,000 billion meters of DNA for an individual.
In 2019, there were 7.7 billion humans on the planet.
<> 60.10^12 x 7.7.10^9 = 46.10^22 meters of DNA including the entire human population.
Andromeda is located 2.5 million light years from our planet. One light-year is equal to 9.45.10^15 meters.
<> So 2.5.10^6 x 9.46.10^15 = 1.9.10^22 meters between the Earth and Andromeda.
There are therefore 1.9.10^22 meters between the Earth and Andromeda. Put together, the DNA of all humans would measure 46.10^22 meters. We could therefore travel 24 times the distance between the Earth and Andromeda, or about 12 round trips.